Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Océanique


ADMO is a written international reference publication focused on activities at sea and edited since 1974 by the CDMO. It has been designed to be a forum for discussing and debating maritime related issues.

From the outset, the journal has applied a generalist approach : legal, historical, economic or sociological studies are most welcome. Contributions might be of national or international interest and are published in the language of submission (in this case, an abstract in French is highly recommended).

Academic teachers and researchers as maritime professionals can submit articles dedicated to any of these topics :
- Maritime Law History
- Ocean's exploitation law and Law of the Sea
- Maritime Law (vessel, contract, transport, insurance)
- Maritime social Law
- Pleasure boating, nautical activities Law
- EU maritime transport Law
- Fishing Law
- Coastal Law and protection of the maritime heritage
- Port Law
- Maritime economy

ISSN : 1259-4962

Articles must not exceed 30 pages (times 12, interline 1.5) and should be addressed to

All articles are peer-reviewed by a scientific committee.

For any further information, please contact Patrick Chaumette (

The editorial Board.


Catherine LARCHER

Université de Nantes
Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre BP 81307 - 44313 Nantes - France
Tél. (33) - Fax (33)

Tariff and order

Mis à jour le 09 December 2021.